Calvary, The Place of The Cross

At our church campus we have a beautiful view of the city and bay with an ol' rugged cross on it, which helps keep the proper perspective, especially while praying for the people of our city from atop the hill, with the cross in the foreground. I do love this so much.
As I was looking at it today and thinking of our name, "Calvary", I was reminded that "Calvary" is the latin of "Golgotha" which is Greek and means, "the place of the skull". This name is in reference to the hill that Jesus was crucified on which had the appearance of a skull in the side of the hill (see pic below). It is rather fitting that God chose this spot for His Son to be crucified (foreshadowed in Genesis 22 with Abraham & Isaac) for the sins of the world, since it was at the cross that the head of the serpent was crushed (Genesis 3:15) as sin & death were defeated. What the enemy meant for death, God meant for life. What the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good.

So our church, "Calvary", sits atop a hill, with a cross at the top for the world to see. How very fitting this is. How beautiful the Gospel of our Lord truly is. How great our sins, but how much greater our Savior.

An image of "Golgotha", the side of the hill in Jerusalem that Jesus was crucified on.

The cross and view from our campus. The 92, CSM, the bay, and Oakland can be seen (trending right).

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